Science and Engineering Fairs
Delta Diablo (District) proudly supports Science and Engineering Fairs.
The wastewater resource recovery industry offers a world of opportunity to students interested in science, engineering, and technology. Delta Diablo is proud to support Science and Engineering Fairs throughout the school year at both local and regional levels.
Each March in Contra Costa County, students from sixth to twelfth grade have the opportunity to undertake hands-on research and compete for recognition amongst their peers at the Contra Costa County Science and Engineering Fair (CCCSEF). Students are encouraged to compete for a wide range of special awards in specific disciplines, including the Excellence in Water Research Awards, which are sponsored by 22 water and wastewater agencies in the San Francisco East Bay. The awards recognize outstanding student projects related to water, wastewater, or recycled water. Previous topics have covered:
- Creating a Sustainable Water Supply
- Protecting Public Health and the Environment
- Engineering the Infrastructure of Tomorrow
Scientists and engineers judge the projects, giving students the chance to meet and talk with working professionals in the water industry. Winners and their teachers of the Excellence in Water Research Awardsreceive cash awards and recognition at the fair and in their local community.
Winners then have the opportunity to move on to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.
Information for students, teachers, and parents on how to participate in the Contra Costa County Science and Engineering Fair can be found on their website: Contra Costa County Science and Engineering Fair
Students do not apply separately for special awards. Projects related to water, wastewater, and recycled water are automatically considered for the Excellence in Water Research Awards during fair judging.
To invite Delta Diablo to support your Science and Engineering Fair, please contact Brian Thomas, Deputy General Manager, at (925) 756-1918 or via email at